Outbox Item
data class OutboxItem(id: Long?, type: OutboxType, status: OutboxStatus, payload: String, retries: Long, nextRun: Instant, lastExecution: Instant?, rerunAfter: Instant?, deleteAfter: Instant?, groupId: String?)
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Represents an outbox item.
group Id
an arbitrary value that can be used to group outbox items together. A null value indicates that the item is not part of a group.
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fun OutboxItem(id: Long? = null, type: OutboxType, status: OutboxStatus, payload: String, retries: Long = 0, nextRun: Instant, lastExecution: Instant? = null, rerunAfter: Instant? = null, deleteAfter: Instant? = null, groupId: String? = null)
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prepare For Processing
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Resolves whether the item is eligible for processing based on its state (i.e. status, timestamps, etc.) and the current time (supplied as a parameter). If the item is eligible for processing, it is marked as such and its status and run timestamps are updated accordingly.
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is an internal flag that is used to determine if the item should be processed in the current monitor cycle. It is set by prepareForProcessing based on the item status and current time. Clients could (and should) ignore the value. Even if set earlier, its value be reset during the monitor cycle.
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